Never Summer 100K Training Weekend
Join us this weekend (6/30-7/1) for an informal training and/or trail maintenance weekend on the Never Summer course.
Saturday, 8:00am: meet at the day parking area for the Ranger Lakes campground to run the southern section of the course. From Ranger Lakes to the Diamond aid station it is roughly 16 miles (with 2 mile jog on hard shoulder of Hwy14 back to Ranger Lakes – or car drops/shuttle can be arranged). A bigger loop from Ranger Lakes to North Diamond, across to Montgomery and down to Bockman and back to Ranger Lakes via the Grass Creek/Gould Mtn section of the course would be in the 32 mile range.
Sunday, 8:00am: meet at Ruby Jewel TH (or at the bottom of the Ruby Jewel Rd at 7:30am to carpool up to the TH). Run Kelly Lake/Hidden Valley, northern loop and back to Ruby via Canadian/North Yurt for 20/24 miles (with/without Clear Lake spur). A shorter option would be to shortcut on the access road to Canadian from the Kelly Lake junction (~16 miles).
Trailwork volunteers can meet up with us either day. We’ll mainly be working the southern Never Summer section of the course.
We have Bockman site 334 reserved for anyone to check in and find us Friday or Saturday evenings. There are plenty of additional sites available at Bockman and the Crags campgrounds that can be reserved in advance.
Additional first-come, first-serve sites will be available for late arrivals at the Crags, dispersed park sites, or in the national forest to the south of Gould.